your gateway to financial freedom

Application features

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Mobile Number and Documents Verification

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Home Page

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Transfer Money

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Link all your Cards

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Pay tuition fees later

Application Features

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Mobile Number Verification

Documents Verification

Home Page

Tuition Fees

Pay Later

Add Money

Add Card

Transfer Money

Credit Card

Prepaid Card

Mobile Number Verification

Either on Login or Signup, a process of mobile number verification will take place to insure that the cards owner is the one who is using the application by sending an SMS from the registered mobile number.

We make sure that the SIM card related to the mobile number, is the one being used to login to the user's account.

Document Verfication

Regarding the Document Verification, we have partnered with "Valify" to insure all documents uploaded are original and related to the user.

"Valify" is registered and approved by the Central Bank of Egypt, for Document Verification and E-KYC.

Home Page

patron Home page is designed carefully to insure a clear understanding of the application main features.

All users will be able to overlook all main functions of the application. The Home page is divided into 5 main Functions beside the main Navigation bar.

The 5 main functions include:

  • Available Balance
  • Paying Tuition Fees
  • Adding Money to user's Balance
  • Linking other cards to be used to (top-up, pay tuition fees, or pay amount due)

The main Navigation bar includes:

  • Home Page
  • Transfer Money
  • patron cards

Tution Fees

Once the user is registered and logged into his/her account, they will be able to see the list of Education providers supported by patron. All providers listed can be paid through patron in two installment programs, in which the user can choose from.

pay later

patron users are provided with two installment programs that enhance their cash flow, instead of paying bulk payments in short period of time.

patron users will be able to pay their tuition fees on equal installments on periods that reach up to 12 months, through the application with multiple options:

  • Top-up their available Balance
  • pay with other Bank Cards
  • pay with Fawry
Button Color Illustration

Add Money

patron users will be able to top-up their balances with different methods:

  • Through the application:
    • Link other Bank Cards
    • Request money from patron users
  • Deposit their patron cards through an ATM
  • Through a Bank Transfer
  • Through "Fawry"
  • Through "paymob"

Add Card

patron users will be able to link any bank card to their account with no limits and will be able to pay their amount due or top-up their balances directly with these cards through the application; to insure a better financial experience.

Transfer Money

patron users will be able to Send and Request money transfers within the application instantly and Split Bill payments.

prepaid Card

patron users will be given a prepaid card in which they will be able to use to:

  • pay online
  • purchase in store
  • use abroad
  • deposit through ATM

patron users will enjoy a unique, call centre free experience, when it comes to Card Control.

credit card

patron users will be able to apply for a credit card through the application in which they will be eligible to a certain amount of credit according to their risk profile and collaterals.

Once the user is approved, he/she can activate their credit limit through the application for 48 hours, to be used to pay online or purchase in store.

The Credit limit will be deactivated automatically after 48 hours and can be activated once again instantly at anytime.

patron users will be able to pay their amount due through the application by any card linked. The amount of credit used will be automatically calculated to be paid on 5 equal installments.

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